So Roo and I woke up early this morning and decided to enjoy it. I went over to my fave restaurant in town,
Madden's, and picked up a delish breakfast. Then we sat outside on our patio and ate. Breakfast was yummy. We had a mushroom and herb omelette (with truffle oil and havarti cheese). We also had some creme brulee crusted french toast and fresh fruit. It was seriously delicious. (Thanks to mommy for sending us a gift certificate to make this morning's breakfast possible). As you can see it was clearly too big, leaving us plenty of leftovers for tomorrow morning. Rae was not allowed to have any french toast, but she did enjoy some omelette and fruit.

Unfortunately our presence scared away most of the visitors, save for the very brave mockingbird who very clearly could care less whether we were there or not. There were some other birds nearby, but they wouldn't come to the feeders. My fave sighting was the
mourning dove couple. They were very sweet, didn't come close enough for me to get a pic. Below you can see our cute little patio set-up as well as our mockingbird visitor.
Clearly I'm not taking great pictures. I think I may try to buy another digital camera that can get better shots of the birds. There are some really pretty ones that come by. Anyway, after breakfast we also had another visitor. This time a really cute dachshund named Scooter. He was a boy and little miss Reaghan was asked if she would be interested in having babies with him. Sadly we had to decline, because she's already fixed. He was a really cute dog though. Reaghan yelped as loudly (and as high pitched) as she could in order to get him to walk all the way across the parking lot to visit her. It was pretty comical to see. Well I have a ton of work to do today- trying to get the lit search for my dissertation started. Just wanted to share our fun morning. Hope you all have a great Saturday!