Monday, May 10, 2010

Pound Puppies...

I'm trying to get the pups used to being in the cage together for our journey home. Needless to say they were not happy about it. But they are tricky little pups.

Um... Mom? Are you seriously going to leave us in here?

Orrrr not...

Let me just stick my nose out here and try to sniff out the situation.

Hey pup, wake up!
I think I may be able to eat our way out of here!
OK. OK. I'm up. Let's not resort to eating metal.

Aww. Hey Rae, it's OK. I know you tried.

Here look. I'll kiss your ears and make it all better.

OK Mom. Like seriously. We are NOT amused.

Um Excuse me... Dinner was like 5 whole minutes ago.
You're going to have to let us out for a snack soon

OK. Quick, look sad. Maybe she'll feel bad for us.

Or hey! I have another idea. Let's pretend to nap together.
Mom will think we're super presh and let us out for snuggles!!

Shhhh. Keep your eyes closed. I think it's working!

Clearly mom has too much time on her hands...

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